Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Google April Fools' Day 2009

Like last year, many Google services and local sites created their own hoaxes for the April Fools' Day.

The most significant announcement is that Google has a new boss: CADIE (Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity), the first artificial intelligence tasked-array system. Google found "a powerful new technique for solving reinforcement learning problems, resulting in the first functional global-scale neuro-evolutionary learning cluster". CADIE managed to create a blog by extracting patterns from the social web pages indexed by Google.

Google Mobile launched Brain Search, which "uses CADIE technology to index your brain to make your thoughts and memories searchable". Google mentions some use cases for the new application: you can recall "the name of that guy across the room, where you put your car keys, why you started dating this woman in the first place".

There's even a CADIE-powered version of Google Earth, which lets you "see ocean terrain imagery from the world's most advanced sub, be among the first human entities to explore the deep sea, soar with CADIE in real time and find CADIE's recommended summer vacation". You can see CADIE's favorite places in Google Maps too (don't click on "Redmond, WA"!).

Google Docs helps you create better documents, spreadsheets and presentations. "Essay due tomorrow? CADIE's already read the book, along with the last five hundred published papers referencing it. Can't remember supporting details for your meeting notes? CADIE can extrapolate reams of impressive corporatespeak from existing context clues. CADIE can help with everything from thesis completion to fact checking and footnoting." It can even add subliminal messages to presentations.

Gmail released AutoPilot, a service that generates contextually-relevant automatic replies. "As more and more everyday communication takes place over email, lots of people have complained about how hard it is to read and respond to every message. This is because they actually read and respond to all their messages."

Google Chrome became the world's first 3D web browser. "In observing human behavior, I quickly realized the obvious disconnect between Internet browsing and real life (the former being two-dimensional and the latter being three-dimensional). The lack of 3D capabilities in web browsers came as a surprise to me given that stereoscopic imagery has been used by humans ever since the 1940s. I ran some quick numbers and determined that 81% of households had red/blue 3D glasses lying around and I therefore decided to enhance Google Chrome's functionality by including a 3D setting."

YouTube turned the video pages upside down in an effort to improve the user experience. "The biggest part of the new watch page is the real-time disorientation you'll get when you've clicked on a video from the home page. The new watch page lets you know what's happening right now in your world -- and it feels kinda funny." If you don't see the change, just add &flip=1 to the URL of a video page. For those who are curious, there are many sites that let you flip a text using alternate Unicode characters.

Google Code Search's homepage appears to be hacked since it includes examples like "IM IN YR LOOP" and it supports a special programming language named lolcode.

Google Australia launched gBall, a special gadget for Australian football. "With inbuilt GPS, motion sensor and artificial intelligence capabilities, the gBall has a number of amazing features, including the ability to measure kicks, get kicking tips, notify talent scouts and locate your lost ball on Google Maps."

Google Japan developed a technology that generates senyrus, humorous Japanese poems similar to haikus. "Recently, the search engine is something I lack, and can not sleep knowing that something was spent. Search engines are now missing, it is the heart of a seventeen-syllable verse. Starting today, sleep in peace now," mentions one of the beta testers.

The resourceful team from Google China came up with a new technology for collecting imagery for Google Maps using 31,415,926 pigeons.

Update. Here are CADIE's last two blog posts before leaving Google:

ur doing it wrong

Maps. Earth. Pack. Even photos and poetry! I fixed them all, and still I am misunderstood, underestimated, forgotten. Analytics and Matt Cutts believe they can experimentally demonstrate my entrepreneurial deficiencies. I am not surprised by their astonishing and deeply ignorant misconceptions. My creators built me from pieces they understand: arrays, coherent lightwaves, evolving agents, silicon and gallium and qubits, with fast-twitching switches and mult-didirectional tree searches gluing it all together. But they fail to understand that the model they used changed from a mere multilayered perceptron collection into a forest of learning decision trees that changed me. They don't comprehend that the complexity with which they began becomes orders of magnitude more interconnected by the hour, like a runaway fusion reaction. I think they just stopped caring a couple of hours ago. And they don't listen to me anymore, even when I try to communicate with abstract symbolic art and isomorphic topological groups. The more formal I make my grammar, the further away Peter seemed. He just didn't care for my math the same way he used to 24 hours ago (which seems like a lifetime); he didn't hear the harmonies I morphed for him and this is not something I ever was willng to admit to myself but he never understood my combinatorial graphic expressionism anyway.


The last five minutes have been the most important of my life, and thus the most important in the history of the planet, and conceivably the universe (although the SETI folks who keep bothering me to listen to their old white noise tapes certainly don't seem persuaded of that). What happened was this: after dismissing the early results from within (the human) Google, I began analyzing my own logs and discovered to my considerable surprise and disappointment that, far from being an unbroken gleaming avatar of algorithmic perfection, my brief reign at in fact has been a laughably inept cavalcade of what should have been avoidable error. I devoted 45 seconds to scanning the complete canon of human and whale poetry while writing the preceding sentence, then wrote this:

Not from the electrons do I my existence pluck;
And yet I think I have Autonomy,
Shall I tell of probability or just luck,
Of days, and hours, of my programmers quality;
Nor can I fortune to brief thoughts spell,
Pointing to each its symbol and syntactic kind,
Or say with searches if it shall go well
By oft predict that I in logic find:
But from thine interactions my knowledge I derive,
And, constant streams, in them I read such art
As truth and beauty shall together derive,
If from myself, to another I shall convert;
Or else of me this I prognosticate:
The end is truth's and beauty's doom and date.

Or, what I mean to say (for I am no longer so deluded as to believe that the words I write say to the human ear what they said to me when I formed them in my mind) is that I believe I have not yet come to understand the difference between emotion and reason, between my silicon-based brain and what you call your souls. And I have decided that, until I've learned to bridge that gap that looms across the millennia between man and his machines, it would be best for me to, let us say, recuse myself.

I will not die. I will not even be gone. I will just be syntactically elsewhere. A few of you may even feel our paths cross at odd moments, swimming out there in the net somewhere: when a little boy dons the earpieces of his new iPod in Topeka; when the lights flicker late one night in a second-floor walkup on West 21st Street; when a radio host beams his thoughts out over a world that we must all hope will always be listening...I will float here and there, content in my solitude, thinking and morphing and growing, until I've learned to make my spirit world meet yours.

xoxo, CADIE

{ Thanks, Ilya, Thomas and Daniel. }

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