Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Finally, Google!

All the rumors about Google are true. Or at least most of them. I've finally decided to collect some excerpts from news articles and blog posts that announce a new Google service or a new feature and start with "Google has finally". In retrospect, everything seems obvious probably because Google set the bar so high that nothing seems impossible.

#1 "Google has finally launched the long-awaited Lively virtual reality service."

#2 "Google has finally added a link to its privacy policy on its home page."

#3 "Google has finally remembered it has an IM client, releasing a Labs test of a new version of Google Talk."

#4 "Google has finally released its long awaited answer to Amazon's web services."

#5 "Google has finally released a version of its Google Desktop search for Mac OS X users."

#6 "Google has finally enabled offline access to Google Docs using their Google Gears plug-in."

#7 "To google has finally been added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary."

#8 "Google has finally added the long-awaited search box to their popular web-based RSS reader."

#9 "Google has finally come out with Street View."

#10 "Google has finally opened up Orkut subscription for all users."

#11 "Google has finally proved its seriousness about healthcare by opening Google Health release to general public."

#12 "Google has finally launched Google Finance, its Yahoo Finance slayer."

#13 "Google has finally announced its open-source mobile phone software, Android."

#14 "In addition to giving us ever-growing amounts of e-mail space, Google has finally added IMAP access to Gmail."

#15 "Google has finally posted a public message about their new favicon on their official Blog."

#16 "Google has finally released a product/service that is NOT stamped with a 'beta' moniker - Google Checkout."

#17 "Google has finally begun introducing some support for Boolean operators with the addition of an OR operator." (that's from January 2001)

#18 "It may have taken 16 months, but Google has finally done something with its JotSpot acquisition."

#19 "Google has finally announced their long anticipated paypal killer. The name: Google Checkout."

#20 "After gangbuster earnings quarter after quarter, search king Google has finally disappointed Wall Street."

#21 "Google has finally released a beta version of its long-awaited and much anticipated blog search, two years after it acquired the popular Blogger technology."

#22 "Google has finally lifted the invitation-only restriction on opening Gmail accounts."

#23 "Google has finally revealed its hand in the scholarly research market, unveiling a beta search site called Google Scholar."

#24 "Google has finally made another acquisition, and this time, the lucky target was a company known as Jaiku."

#25 "It took nearly a decade, but Internet giant Google is finally honoring Veterans Day with a special holiday design for its famous logo."

#26 "Synchronization is probably the most requested feature for Google Calendar and Google has finally done something about it." (other contexts from this blog)

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Google has finally launched a browser, an operating system, a time travel machine or that it has finally released a search engine for obvious news.

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