Friday, February 10, 2006

Corporate GMail

Garett Rogers wrote two days ago:

"Their next big move will likely be GMail for domains — a powerful way for anybody who owns a domain to utilize GMail as a mail server, not just a client. Yahoo has their own small business mail product which does precisely this, and now evidence suggests Google is planning the same.

This is the line from the source that really makes me think this might be in the works:

function vJ(){if(uy){;return'< a class=lc target=_blank href="'+ry+'">'+"Manage this domain"+"< /a> | "}else{return""}}"

It seems he was right. Google has just launched GMail for your Domain - a beta test that lets you give Gmail, Google's webmail service, to every user at your domain.

Google Blog writes that San Jose City College will be a part of this program, by giving mail accounts to its 10000 students.

Google will provide corporate mail for organizations, that will include admin tools for efficient account management.

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